Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sent off kw last journey yesterday.
Always felt that he was so strong,
throughout the whole illness.
Rest in Peace,My Friend.

Went to NTB with 豆花小姐!!! ( YES, new name for you)
Finally borrow some chinese 小说,
BUT! found out later that i had already read those before. -_-
Beancurd after that before heading home.
That why she is 豆花小姐!!!
Beancurd before or after the outing everytime =)

PP is finally done,just alittle touch up and everything is settle.
woot~ PP is going to done by tml!!! :D

5 days school.OMG!
wanted to continue blog in chinese,
but kinda speechless in chinese somehow.LOL.
will try it again next post :D