Friday, April 4, 2014

China Chengdu Trip 2014 中国四川成都峡谷边疆之旅 (Day 4)

Day 4

Tour 九寨沟 for the whole day!
This is the only place throughout our whole trip where we see big big crowds!人山人海~

Our Tour guide for the whole trip. Would rate him 6/10. 

Here come our "Professional" photographers for our trip! Image them snapping photo infront of you together, plus 5 other people using normal digital camera. That what happen to me ~ #likeashiok #superstar :P

Rented their costume to act as a 藏族姑娘.Pay 80RMB for this set. and then i became the tourist icon for our tour group to take photos! #likeastar Smile until super tired. Think we spent 10-15min just to take the whole series of this 藏族姑娘 with everyone ~